Search results for "ffpe challenges"
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1 and 2 mm I.D. Analytical Columns
WatersFor applications where the sample is neither volume or concentration limited, Waters offers 1 and 2mm Internal Diameter columns of various lengths for use on traditional HPLC MS inlets.As with Waters array of NanoEase™ columns, the same Waters reversed-phase packings are also available in these two column internal diameter offerings. Chemistry choices include: XBridge® Columns, CORTECS® Columns, XSelect Columns, Atlantis® Pola…
Swift Accel-Amplicon™ 57G Pan-Cancer Profiling Panel
Swift Biosciences, IncCustomizable Targeting of Key Oncology Variants
Swift BRCA1, BRCA2, and PALB2 Panel
Swift Biosciences, IncExpansive profiling of BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB2 genes
Orion Biomarkers
RareCyte, IncOrion Biomarkers are tailored to enable spatial biomarker analysis with maximum flexibility. Choose from a range of labeled antibodies to generate Orion spatial biology data for multiplexed tissue imaging or create new reagents with easy-to-use conjugation kits.