
Cellectricon provides state-of-the-art discovery services and enabling technologies to accelerate drug discovery and cell-based research. Our discovery services offering utilises cell and tissue models that translate to the patient. Our proprietary technologies include leading systems for high resolution ion-channel screening and cell engineering. Developed in close collaboration with leaders in the pharmaceutical industry and esteemed research labs, the Cellaxess® Technology enables selective field stimulation of excitable cells, compound delivery and transfection for genomic screening of primary cells and stem cells. The Dynaflow® Technology advances ion channel research and discovery applications.

Based in Sweden, Cellectricon AB is a privately held company. The main shareholders are Ägir Invest, Dunross & Co, Investor Growth Capital and Innovations Kapital, together with employees and seed investors.

Cellectricon provides state-of-the-art discovery services and enabling technologies to accelerate drug discovery and cell-based research. Our discovery services offering utilises cell and tissue models that translate to the patient. Our proprietary technologies include leading systems for high resolution ion-channel screening and cell engineering. Developed in close collaboration with leaders in the pharmaceutical industry and esteemed research labs, the Cellaxess® Technology enables selective field stimulation of excitable cells, compound delivery and transfection for genomic screening of primary cells and stem cells. The Dynaflow® Technology advances ion channel research and discovery applications.

Based in Sweden, Cellectricon AB is a privately held company. The main shareholders are Ägir Invest, Dunross & Co, Investor Growth Capital and Innovations Kapital, together with employees and seed investors.

Contact Cellectricon

Cellectricon AB Fabriksgatan 7 412 50 Göteborg

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