European Society of Human Genetics

ESHG is an international professional society founded in 1967 which

ESHG is an international professional society founded in 1967 which

  • promotes research in basic and applied human and medical genetics
  • facilitates contact between all persons who share these aims

Our members (researchers, clinicians, laboratory scientists, psychologists and other social scientists, bioethicists, non-medical genetic counsellors) are involved in all disciplines of human genetics, including:

  • biochemical, clinical, cancer, molecular and population genetics
  • cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics
  • genomics

ESHG is an international professional society founded in 1967 which

  • promotes research in basic and applied human and medical genetics
  • facilitates contact between all persons who share these aims

The Society offers the possibility of meeting and collaborating with colleagues throughout Europe. We are especially interested in encouraging young scientists and clinicians, and in the transfer of technology and provision of genetic services for the developing European countries.

Contact European Society of Human Genetics

c/o Vienna Medical Academy Alser Strasse 4 1090 Vienna Austria

Website link