The European Commission

The European Commission has offices, called Representations, in all the Member States of the European Union. The UK Representation is in London; there are also Offices in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh. Their chief duties are:

The European Commission has offices, called Representations, in all the Member States of the European Union. The UK Representation is in London; there are also Offices in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh. Their chief duties are:

Representing the Commission as its voice in the UK. This includes providing background briefings for the media as well as on-the-record comment on issues relevant to the Commission.

Reporting to the Commission in Brussels on political, economic and social developments in the UK.

Supporting the decentralised provision of information about the European Union across the UK through recognised outlets such as public libraries, business advice centres and education services.

Contact The European Commission

Rue Montoyer 51 B-1049 BRUXELLES

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