Seven Automation Solutions to Improve Your Next Generation Sequencing Workflow

20 Nov 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

1. Fully Automate Size Selection and Analysis of Nucleic Acids Using High Throughput Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Discover how the NIMBUS Select workstation enables accurate, high yield recovery of tightly-defined DNA fragment lengths for up to 96 DNA samples in a two-hour run. Electropherogram characterizations of the input sample, as well as the size selected sample, are also generated by the workstation.

2. Library Preparation Using Low Quantities of DNA

This application note, from Tecan, describes an automated workflow for reproducible NGS library preparation from low quantities of DNA, using the TruSeq Nano DNA Sample Preparation Kit on the Freedom EVO® NGS workstation.

3. High Throughput TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Construction

This application note, from Beckman Coulter, describes the automation of the Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit on the Biomek FXP for transcriptome library construction. Data generated confirms that libraries produced with this automation method yield target-specific, highly uniform, strand-specific sequence data, with no detectable cross contamination of template samples, while reducing the risk of user error.

4. Targeted Complete Gene Sequencing

Targeted Locus Amplification (TLA) sample preparation, like all NGS applications, necessitates robust library preparation to yield high-quality DNA samples. This application note describes the automation of TLA Technology using the JANUS NGS Express Workstation.

5. Automation of ChIP-Seq Library Preparation

Learn how you can prepare size-selected Illumina™ ChIP-Seq libraries from as little as 1 ng of fragmented ChIP DNA, using the Eppendorf® epMotion 5075 TMX liquid handling system.

6. Sample Preparation Utilizing Acoustic Liquid Transfer

The ability of Labcyte’s Echo liquid handlers to acoustically transfer samples and reagents without tips or contact provides an efficient, contamination-free solution for genomic library preparation. This poster describes use of the Echo 555 liquid handler to prepare libraries produced from E.coli for sequencing with the Illumina® MiSeq sequencer.

7. A New Solid-State Platform for High-Throughput ChIP

This application note describes an enriched assay process for profiling simultaneous protein and DNA patterns that characterize disease mechanisms, using the Chromatrap® 96.

