SelectScience InterviewsSpectroscopy

Bruker tackles drugs of abuse and POPs issues

4 Jul 2024
Cameron Smith-Craig
Cameron Smith-Craig
Pharma and Applied Sciences Editor
Bruker tackles drugs of abuse and POPs issues

At ASMS 2024, Bruker made two significant new technology announcements in the field of mass spectrometry, introducing products that can be implemented in diverse areas such as drugs of abuse screening, and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) analysis.

Watch Jeffrey Zonderman, Senior Vice President at Bruker introducing the EVOQ™ DART-TQ+, a new high-end triple quad, highlighted as a greener and more efficient alternative to chromatographic methods, to be used for targeted analysis. The ecTOF™, a high-resolution GC-MS, is also introduced, providing a new solution for untargeted high-resolution screening.

This video was filmed at ASMS 2024. Explore our full coverage of this year's conference >>

Other videos from Bruker

