Product DemonstrationsLife Sciences

Detection of Signaling Effector-Complexes Downstream of BMP4 Using in situ PLA

6 Nov 2017
Detection of Signaling Effector-Complexes Downstream of BMP4 Using in situ PLA

In situ PLA is a technology capable of detecting protein interactions with high specificity and sensitivity. This technology couples antibody recognition with the amplification of DNA surrogate of the protein. It generates a localized, discrete signal in a form of spots revealing the exact position of the recognition event. The number of signals can be counted and compared providing a measurement. We applied in situ PLA, using the Duolink kit, with a combination of antibodies that allows the detection of the BMP signaling effectors phospho-Smad1/5/8 and Smad4 only when these are in proximity i.e. in a complex, which occurs only with signaling activation. This allowed for the first time, the visualization and measurement of endogenous BMP signaling with high specificity and sensitivity in a time course experiment under BMP4 stimulation.