Fabrication and characterization of Nanofluidic Devices for DNA optical mapping with ZEISS Crossbeam

13 Apr 2023
Fabrication and characterization of Nanofluidic Devices for DNA optical mapping with ZEISS Crossbeam

In this presentation, Dr. Fabián Pérez-Willard discusses the fabrication and characterization of nanofluidic lab-on-a-chip devices for the analysis of single DNA molecules using focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM). Nanochannels with different shapes and depths can be quickly prototyped through direct FIB nanopatterning on silicon master stamps. UV nanoimprinting transfers the pattern to a polymer-on-glass stamp, which is used to create the actual chip. In the FIB-SEM, the master stamps can be machined, and the entire fabrication process can be monitored in a non-destructive way.