Product NewsLife Sciences

Live Cell Imaging of Apoptosis in Immune Cells using the CellASIC ONIX2 Microfluidic System

14 Oct 2019
Live Cell Imaging of Apoptosis in Immune Cells using the CellASIC ONIX2 Microfluidic System

Jurkat cells were first loaded onto the CellASIC® ONIX2 System M04T Pad Trap Plate and were then incubated with BioTracker NucView® 488 Green Caspase-3 Dye and Annexin V Texas Red for the first 2 hours in complete RPMI-1640 media, followed by treatment of 2.5 µg/mL CD-95 antibody or no treatment for 8 hours. Time-lapse imaging was taken on cells at a 10-minute interval under 400x magnification using a FITC and Texas-Red filter.