SelectScience InterviewsLife Sciences

Product Review: Biomek FXp Laboratory Automation Workstation from Beckman Coulter

30 Jan 2013
Product Review: Biomek FXp Laboratory Automation Workstation from Beckman Coulter

In this video Michaela Bowden tells SelectScience about her work involving the molecular analysis of clinical tissue samples at the Center for Molecular Oncologic Pathology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston. Michaela explains conducting retrospective research on archival FFPE tissues can be extremely challenging as a result of sample degradation. She tells SelectScience how the Biomek FXP from Beckman Coulter has enabled her to carry out more successful research, increase the throughput of library preps and obtain better sequence data from complex biological specimens. Interview filmed by SelectScience at SLAS2013.

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