SelectScience InterviewsClinical Diagnostics

Westgard reflects on driving QC, AI and career nurturing

10 Apr 2024
Westgard reflects on driving QC, AI and career nurturing

Join us as we celebrate Medical Laboratory Professionals Week throughout April with our dedicated Clinical #Lab4Life Editorial Feature. Bringing together scientists, healthcare professionals, industry brands, and the wider industry to press pause and celebrate the exceptional work of medical laboratory scientists.

We hear from Dr. James Westgard as he reflects on working in clinical quality control for over 50 years. As co-founder and principal at Westgard QC, Inc., and one of the most highly regarded experts in clinical quality control in the world, the name of Dr. Westgard is famous in clinical laboratories around the globe. In this exclusive interview, Dr. Westgard reflects on his time in the field with his son, Sten Westgard, also a renowned QC expert and educator. Sten has managed the Westgard QC, Inc. website for over 30 years and is extremely active in the clinical quality control industry.

This video is brought to you in collaboration with LGC Clinical Diagnostics as part of Medical Lab Professionals Week.

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