SelectScience Interviews
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SelectScience Interviews
Revealing CNS secrets: Live-cell analysis for neuroscientists
SelectScience Interviews
Dynamic clamp: Modeling conductances with the dPatch Amplifier System
SelectScience Interviews
Bioengineering 3D brain tissue models for functional studies
SelectScience Interviews
Neuronal degeneration in the hypoglossal nucleus of 22Q11.2.DS mouse models
SelectScience Interviews
D-amino acids in our brains: What are they doing and how did they get there?
SelectScience Interviews
Dissecting the cellular landscape of the Alzheimer's brain: Disease-associated astrocytes
Product Demonstrations
NC-3000 cytometry analysis in the cell lab
Product Demonstrations
NucleoCounte NC-200
Product Demonstrations
Counting sperm cells
Product News
HLA typed cells for pre-clinical research
Product Demonstrations
Evolution of neuronal and glial tau isoforms in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
Product News
Proximity extension assay technology
SelectScience Interviews
How the COVID-19 outbreak is reshaping the diagnostics industry
Product Demonstrations
Meet your RT-qPCR needs with ease
Product Demonstrations
Macrophage Subtypes: Polarization, activation and plasticity
Product Demonstrations