Product Demonstrations
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SelectScience Interviews
How reviews help scientists communicate effectively
Product Demonstrations
The meticulous researcher’s guide to validating a cell counting method
Product Demonstrations
Capillary blood collection: Automatic processing with the Microvette APT
Product Demonstrations
On-chip Sort: The world's first microfluidic cell sorter
SelectScience Interviews
The incubation technology accelerating CAR-T cell therapy development
Product Demonstrations
Automated liquid handling with the MANTIS
Product Demonstrations
Imaging rare tumor cells in flow with Amnis systems
Product Demonstrations
Key benefits of the CERTUS FLEX Liquid Dispenser
Product Demonstrations
Transporting cryogenic samples with the CryoPod Carrier
Product Demonstrations
Using predictive bioinformatics algorithms in neoantigen peptide synthesis
SelectScience Interviews
'We partner with scientists to devise the best lab products for their groundbreaking work'
SelectScience Interviews
The story behind the launch of high-throughput screening at Sygnature Discovery
SelectScience Interviews
Fulfilling the potential of emerging trends in life sciences
Product News