A strategic review of biological variation resources supporting laboratory quality

Estimates of analytical, within-subject, and between-subject biological variation are extremely important for the interpretation of test results. Applications of biological variation include the ‘index of individuality’ and ‘reference change value’, and the data is usually generated by prospective studies. However, a task group at the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) has developed a database containing evidence-based data on biological variation as well as estimates of analytical performance specifications and reference change values.

In this webinar, Sverre Sandberg, chair of the EFLM Biological Variation Database task group, will discuss the benefits of this database and models for setting analytical performance specifications, imprecision, bias, total error, and measurement uncertainty. Plus, Sandberg will demonstrate how to generate personal reference intervals.

Who should attend?

  • Clinical, hospital, and reference laboratory stakeholders
  • Laboratory directors, laboratory managers, quality managers
  • Clinical laboratory scientists and technicians

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

