A total workflow for multi-class, multi-residue analysis of pesticides in fatty food matrices

In this webinar, Limian Zhao and Dr. Xia Yang from Agilent Technologies will present a complete workflow for the analysis of multi-class, multi-residue pesticides in fatty food matrices including milk, salmon and vegetable oils. From sample preparation through to analysis using either GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS or both, the entire workflow is designed to provide a simple and efficient sample extraction and fatty food matrix cleanup with accurate and precise analysis for both LC and GC amenable pesticides.

This workflow has been demonstrated to provide acceptable recoveries within 70 to 120% for >95% of pesticides, excellent reproducibility of =10% RSD for 95% of pesticides and a broad dynamic calibration range with a 1 ng/mL limit of quantitation in sample matrix for the majority of pesticides. The workflow promises to be an effective solution for pesticides quantitative analysis in complex fatty food matrices.

By attending the webinar, attendees will learn strategies for sample preparation, instrument method development and optimization, plus workflow applicability to their practical applications.

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand the challenges posed by fatty food matrices and strategies for both sample preparation and analysis
  • Learn sample preparation methodologies for efficient extraction of pesticides from fatty foods
  • Learn about common Agilent GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS system performance for analysis of pesticides
  • A total workflow for analysis of pesticides in fatty food matrices that can be used directly for practical applications

Who should attend?

  • Scientists in food labs responsible for method development and sample analysis
  • Lab managers in food labs
  • Bench chemists regularly carrying out sample preparation

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, and a learning outcomes summary document for continuing education purposes.

