
Accelerating rapid diagnostic development with Optimer reagents

Developing new assays and accurately detecting targets is difficult without fit-for-purpose reagents. While antibodies have long been the accepted gold standard, a number of drawbacks are inherent in their development and production that limit their use in some circumstances. Optimer reagents are aptamers optimized to overcome many of these issues for a wider target range, rapid development, improved manufacturability and batch consistency.

In this SelectScience webinar, experts from Aptamer Group and QSM Diagnostics will discuss how this technology is being applied to new assays and targets. Specifically, they will explore how Optimers are developed and implemented in novel assay platforms, the step changes Optimer reagents can bring to workflows, and how these reagents are driving the development of rapid diagnostics for the veterinary and healthcare markets.

Join us to learn how Optimers can transform your assay development.

Key learning objectives

  • Find out what an Optimer is
  • Understand the benefits of working with custom Optimers in the discovery and development pipeline
  • Gain user insight into working with Optimers and their use in the development of rapid diagnostics
  • Learn how this technology can be leveraged to accelerate diagnostic and therapeutic development

Who should attend

  • Diagnostic assay researchers, developers and manufacturers
  • Drug discovery and assay development researchers and professionals
  • Bioanalytical method researchers and validators
  • Scientists requiring reagents for novel assay targets
  • Researchers working with antibodies and considering antibody alternatives in their work
