Advance drug discovery and development with comprehensive imaging software

From target discovery to compound identification and preclinical imaging, powerful software has the potential to transform visualizing, manipulating, and the understanding of life science research data from many image modalities, including CT, MRI, 3D Microscopy, and other techniques.

In this webinar, discover a multifaceted 2D-5D software platform that offers a comprehensive toolbox of image processing methods that can be automated through custom detection workflows.

Case studies will be presented for applications in biological target characterization, lead compound identification and pre-clinical studies.

Key learning objectives

  • Biological target characterization: Hear how high resolution 3D visualization and characterization of cell structures can be used to monitor the effects of certain compounds on cell growth, inhibition, and breakdown, through ultrastructure segmentation in large volumetric electron microscopy data
  • Lead compound identification: Learn how high-content screening 3D analysis of cell morphology, viability, and protein expression, is used in monitoring for candidate drug compound efficiency, toxicity on cellular models
  • Pre-clinical studies: Discover how small animal micro-imaging allows for 3D visualization and characterization of whole organism or organ-specific / tumor-specific morphological changes, growth, vasculature, and monitoring for drug candidates impact on in-vivo or ex-vivo samples

Who should attend

Senior scientists, lead researchers, biologists and image analysts/imaging specialists involved in drug discovery and development processes within pharma and biotech.

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

