Advanced characterization of protein isoforms using direct cIEF-MS, prep cIEF, LCMS, peptide mapping and other techniques

The CEInfinite enables highly efficient charged-based separation and direct MS coupled analysis using cIEF. It allows for unattended high resolution fractionation of your charge variants for further analysis, such as MS characterization, SPR and Taylor dispersion protein hydrodynamic radius measurement.

In this webinar, Prof. Dr. Christian Neusüß (Aalen University) and Dr. Carsten Sönksen (Novo Nordisk) discuss the results of their work on online iCIEF-MS of intact monoclonal antibody samples and analysis of fractions collected from iCIEF separated protein. This is truly the first easy online direct coupling of iCIEF to MS providing direct identification of each intact mAb charge variant. This method provides unattended high resolution fractionation of such variants for further offline characterizations like peptide mapping.

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Neusüß (Aalen University) will share insights into the application of iCIEF-MS for protein isoform characterization.
  • Dr. Carsten Sönksen (Novo Nordisk) will present data using prep-iCIEF with subsequent peptide mapping and LC-MS analysis.
  • Dr. Tiemin Huang (President & CEO, Advanced Electrophoresis Solutions) will precede the presentations explaining the experimental setup needed to run such experiments.

You will learn about:

  • Routine protein isoform characterization by MS and peptide mapping, using either direct MS coupling or high resolution fractionation
  • How to make routine unattended CIEF fractionation possible
  • Whole solution charge-based protein separation and characterization using CIEF

Who should attend:

  • Scientists working in assay development or biopharmaceutical QC labs, including CROs and CMOs
  • Anyone who works with CIEF, IEX, Gel-IEF, or anything with iso electrical focusing

Certificate of Attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, and a learning outcomes summary document for continuing education purposes.

This webinar is part of the SelectScience Advances in Mass Spectrometry Webinar Series>>

