Advancement of analytical technology for oligonucleotide analysis using high-resolution accurate-mass mass spectrometry

The advancement of oligonucleotide therapeutics and mRNA vaccines drives the need to develop robust analytical approaches for confident identification and in-depth characterization of these novel modalities.

Dr. Kevin Kun Guo, senior applications scientist and Keeley Murphy, software product manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific, will present the latest development of high-resolution accurate-mass (HRAM) based LC-MS methods for oligonucleotide and RNA analysis. They will also describe a data dependent MS/MS (ddMS2) method for high confidence identification, mapping, and relative quantitation of oligonucleotides and their impurities within a single experiment.

Plus, the capability of the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish Horizon™ UHPLC system and DNAPac™ RP column for robust and reproducible separation of oligonucleotides under the denaturing and non-denaturing conditions will be demonstrated.

Finally, the speakers will explore the power of the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ mass spectrometers for accurate mass measurement of oligonucleotides as large as 100mer.

Key learning objectives

  • Discover new LC-MS methods for oligonucleotide and RNA analysis
  • Understand how a data dependent MS/MS (ddMS2) method can be applied to oligonucleotide identification, mapping, relative quantitation and impurity analysis
  • Find out how BioPharma Finder™ Software can support your oligonucleotide analysis

Who should attend?

  • Biopharmaceutical research scientists
  • Analytical scientists from biopharma companies working on or interested in oligonucleotide based therapies
  • PhD students in any field of biotherapeutic drug development
  • Scientists looking to advance knowledge of oligonucleotide analysis

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Dr. Kevin Guo
Dr. Kevin Guo
Senior Application Scientist, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Dr. Kevin Kun Guo is a senior applications scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific. He has 18 years of experience running LC-MS systems, specializing in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical applications support. Before joining Thermo Fisher he was a mass spectrometry scientist at Immunogen and completed his PhD at the University of Alberta.

Keeley Murphy
Keeley Murphy
Software Product Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

Keeley Murphy joined Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2008 and is currently working as a software product manager. Her role is focused on the development of software workflows to support the LCMS analysis of oligonucleotides and mRNA. She has contributed to numerous product launches and introductions for both hardware and software technologies designed to support biopharmaceutical development.


Carrie Haslam
Carrie Haslam
Associate Editor, SelectScience

