Advantages of new AI-based stain-free cell analysis for cancer research

Cell-based assays are the bread and butter of many research labs. In various applications, the number of cells used in the assay is either determined as the primary measurement, as in proliferation assays, or used as a reference to normalize readouts. In this webinar, Dr. Roland Zauner, postdoctoral researcher at EB House Austria, will discuss how new label-free cell segmentation tools can be applied in anti-cancer drug screenings and how research into the genetic skin disease epidermolysis bullosa will benefit from this development.

Key learning objectives

  • Understand how TECANs new label-free cell counting feature can be used in cell based assays and anti-cancer drug screening.
  • Learn about epidermolysis bullosa, the causes and symptoms.
  • Improve your understanding of transcriptome-based, in silico, anti-cancer drug screening.
  • Understand key learnings in combining viability/toxicity assays with the stain-free cell counting feature.

Who should attend?

Experts interested in new, simple and cost-efficient options in determing cell counts for various cell-based assays.

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

