An Alternative Approach Using GC-Orbitrap MS for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Food

In a high-throughput environment, robust analytical workflows are key requirements for the accurate and reliable determination of trace level pesticide residues in food samples. These methods must overcome the challenges of an ever-growing list of compounds and the diversity of sample matrices, in addition to demanding sensitivity and identification requirements. Typically, gas chromatography coupled to low-resolution, nominal mass triple quadruple mass spectrometers (GC-MS/MS) has been the technology of choice for the sensitive and selective detection of a wide range of target compounds. High resolution accurate mass (HRAM) using GC Orbitrap MS provides distinct advantages to overcome these challenges and offer a more efficient and flexible approach. In this webinar we share results that look at the merits of both techniques for this application.

Key learning objectives

  • Assessing alternative systems for the analysis of pesticide residues in food
  • Learn how HRAM MS can improve efficiency and flexibility
  • Learn about the current technology for this application.

Who should attend?

  • Scientists working for contract testing organizations, regulators, academics
  • Laboratory managers
  • Gas and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry users

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Pascal Cardinael
Pascal Cardinael
Professor, University of Rouen Normandy
Dominic Roberts
Dominic Roberts
Product Marketing Manager GC Orbitrap MS, Thermo Fisher Scientific


Cameron Smith-Craig
Cameron Smith-Craig
Pharma and Applied Sciences Editor, SelectScience

