Automating tumor-specific 3D cultures for anti-cancer drug screening

Traditional 2D cell cultures don’t always capture the complexity of an organ or tumor microenvironment, or the interactions that can occur within mixed cell populations — after all, human tissues are not flat. A 3D environment that represents the critical interactions between a tumor and its surroundings is needed to be able to accurately mimic disease states and drug response.

In this webinar, Dr. Julia Kirshner, CEO and founder of zPREDICTA, will explain how 3D cell culture overcomes the limitations of traditional 2D culture when it comes to predicting the therapeutic potential of pharmaceutical compounds in development.

Dr. Kirshner will discuss how zPREDICTA’s Reconstructed Lung 3D culture platform has successfully been adopted for testing of anti-cancer agents in high-throughput screening (HTS) format using the Tecan Freedom EVO® liquid handler and Tecan D300e Digital Dispenser, and how the platform provides a physiologically-relevant, automated 3D HTS system that can be incorporated throughout the drug development workflow for reliable identification of anti-cancer agents.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn about the fundamental differences between conventional 2D and 3D culture approaches and the pros and cons of using them for drug development
  • Understand how tumor-specific microenvironment guides response to treatment
  • Learn how tumor microenvironment affects drug response and why it is crucial to incorporate it into pre-clinical models
  • Discover how tissue-specific 3D culture platforms can be used throughout the drug development workflow

Who should attend:

  • Drug discovery professionals and researchers
  • Pharmaceutical scientists
  • Cell biology and oncology researchers, scientists and students
  • Laboratory managers in the pharmaceutical sector

