Base editing: Impact on cell therapy and how to access it

Therapeutic developers are on the pinnacle of revolutionizing cell therapies with cutting-edge technologies for editing the genome. However, classical genome editing techniques can suffer from questionable safety profiles when utilized for the simultaneous modification of multiple loci. An alternative, safer technology is base editing and this webinar will introduce the concept and applications of the technology to the cell therapy community.

Dr. John Lambourne, R&D manager in the therapeutics applications arm of the Horizon Discovery Pin-point™ base editing team, will cover the advantages inherent in utilizing base editing technology and the possible impact this could have on the development of cell therapies. Lambourne will also present some initial data generated during the development of Horizon's Pin-point™ base editing system and describe how organizations can access the system.

From this webinar, you will learn about:

  • What is base editing?
  • How will it and other safe gene engineering technologies impact the effectiveness of cell therapies?
  • How can it be accessed and introduced into your cell therapy pipeline?

Scientists and laboratory professionals working in the following areas will be interested in this webinar:

  • Cell/gene therapy development
  • Gene engineering/gene editing
  • CAR-T researchers, senior scientists, laboratory heads, group leaders, biopharma

