
Beyond glyphosate: Trace-level analysis of highly polar pesticides in foods

Pesticides are the chemicals that help to maintain supply of many modern foods. Highly polar pesticides such as glyphosate, glufosinate, fosetyl-aluminum, bialaphos, ethephon, and phosphonic acid find widespread use, yet their detection and reliable quantitation in foods at trace levels is still a challenge for analytical science. Applying proper analytical techniques, performed with instrumentation designed specifically for ionic and highly polar chemicals, is the key.

In this SelectScience webinar, Jim Garvey, Head of Food Chemistry, and Michael Kelly, Senior Chemist, will discuss how these chemicals can be separated into their native ionic form on an ion-exchange column, and how this enables the quantification of polar pesticides by tandem mass spectrometry over and over again for hundreds of injections.

Key learning objectives:

  • Explore how IC-MS/MS analysis of foods and beverages can detect trace residues of cationic and anionic polar pesticides
  • Learn how to solve separation, detection, and quantitation problems for polar pesticides in alignment with the SANTE/11813/2017 guidelines
  • Expand horizons in the analytical sciences

Who should attend?

  • Food safety and agricultural authorities
  • Import, export specialists, and food testing laboratories
  • Contract testing labs
