Beyond hepatotoxicity red flags: How predictive human liver models support flawed drug recovery to reduce pipeline attrition

Standard preclinical approaches are poorly predictive, particularly for drugs eliciting human-specific toxicity or idiosynchratic DILI. In this webinar, Dr. Anthony Berger, a Field Application Scientist at CN Bio will discuss how liver-on-a-chip (LOAC) cocultures of primary hepatocytes offer a solution. By more accurately recapitulating organ-level functionality, they provide a way to predict acute, chronic, and idiosyncratic human drug toxicity and understand the mechanism behind the cause. He will review how to date, ease-of use, throughput and cost limitations have restricted the widespread use of organ-on-a-chip (OOC) technologies, but next-generation solutions enable their human-relevant insights to be actionable earlier than ever before.

Key learning objectives

Discover how to:

  • Address poorly met areas of preclinical toxicology using advanced human in vitro models
  • Generate mechanistic signatures of toxicity to understand the cause
  • Gain human-relevant insights early enough to recover flawed candidates
  • Derive clinically relevant measurements to improve data translatability

Who should attend?

  • Professionals from Pharma, Biotech, Academia, and CRO.
  • C-level, Professors, Directors, Heads of Dept, Group/Team leaders and scientists in the field of toxicology.

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Anthony Berger PhD
Anthony Berger PhD
CN Bio
Ellen Simms
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor, SelectScience

