
Bioanalytical method development for oligonucleotides: Overcoming the analytical challenges

In recent years, the development of next-generation oligonucleotide therapies with high target specificity and stability has greatly increased, yet the precise and productive analytical testing of these molecules has remained a significant challenge.

In this webinar, Mary Trudeau, principal applications scientist at Waters Corporation, will outline the key challenges in method development for oligonucleotides and solutions to address them. Trudeau will illustrate these challenges and solutions through a number of examples, including various oligodeoxythymidines and the antisense oligonucleotide therapy, GEM91, and place particular emphasis on how to achieve maximum resource utilization and improve selectivity and sensitivity in oligonucleotide bioanalysis using LC-MS/MS.

Key learning objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of the analytical challenges posed by therapeutic oligonucleotides
  • Learn the tips and tricks of oligonucleotide analysis
  • Understand how to optimize sample prep and LC-MS acquisition for maximum sensitivity and selectivity, which are critical to the quantitative assay performance of oligonucleotides

Who should attend?

  • Analytical scientists who are engaged in bioanalytical studies on oligonucleotides
  • Lab managers and lab directors who run bioanalytical labs
  • CROs performing bioanalytical studies on oligonucleotides
