
Biological food authenticity testing: What qPCR analysis can reveal about our food

Today, food fraud is a major issue. Food authenticity testing to counteract food fraud becomes more and more relevant the more complex the supply chain becomes. It is a hot topic for manufacturers, traders and consumers as well as public authorities. Food fraud can happen at many points throughout the supply chain and production process. A systematic, organized approach to food authenticity testing is therefore crucial for the industry and will need to involve many analytical parameters.

In this webinar, Dr. Christine Gräfe, product manager for nucleic acid extraction solutions at Analytik Jena, and Sarah Köhler, application specialist for life science at Analytik Jena, will present simplified, reliable methods for qPCR-based molecular biological authenticity testing with a focus on species identification and GMO analysis. The webinar will provide an overview of the complete workflow – from sample preparation and nucleic acid extraction to PCR-based analysis, including application examples. The presenters will give practical advice on how to master some of the more challenging tasks in each step of the workflow.

Learning objectives

  • Methods for biological food authenticity testing focusing on GMO analysis
  • Overview of the complete workflow
  • Practical advice for each step of the workflow
  • Application examples

Who should attend?

Laboratories looking to improve and expand their food quality testing capacities.

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can download a certificate of attendance for continuing education purposes from the webinar auditorium’s resources section.
