BioSPME: A new tool for drug-protein binding determination

The use of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) has been widely accepted as a fast and convenient sample preparation method. It has been applied to a wide range of samples and utilizes adsorbent-containing coated devices.

In this webinar, Dr. Olga Shimelis will present the use of new product – Supel™ BioSPME C18 96-Pin Devices – for in vitro measurement of protein binding properties of pharmaceutical compounds in plasma. The sample preparation can be performed in a high-throughput environment using standard 96-well plates and robotic equipment. The results of BioSPME protein binding measurements will be presented for analytes across the range of hydrophobicities, molecular weights, and charges.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn about a new high-throughput method for measuring protein binding
  • Understand the importance of different steps in the BioSPME method and paths to resolve analytical challenges
  • Compare BioSPME to other protein binding methods

Who should attend?

  • Pharmaceutical laboratory scientists and managers working in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK) and early drug candidates characterization, analytical chemists in testing labs and universities, method developers, and early adopters of innovative technology.

