Cancer drug development: Optimizing every stage of the pipeline

Biomedical researchers within pharma, biotech, and academic settings spend approximately $1 billion US dollars over ten years to develop a new drug. Optimizing each step of the drug discovery pipeline from target ID to the clinic is critical to success—otherwise, setbacks may occur, such as costly delays, or in the worst-case scenario, late-stage attrition.

To overcome these potential challenges, solutions are continually being developed to keep the process moving forward while minimizing risk. These include orthologous methods for interrogating mechanisms of action, identifying and validating biomarkers, and characterizing drivers of sensitivity and resistance. In this webinar, learn how Horizon Discovery can help you accelerate your research, from discovery to clinical development, through its CRISPR gene editing and modulation expertise and complementary cell-based services.

Join this webinar to:

  • Understand the options available to guide you through the drug development process
  • Learn ways to improve the success of your research goals
  • Discuss examples of alternative strategies that can be employed to address common issues along the drug discovery and validation pipeline
