CAR T: Dual-targeted cell therapy targeting BCMA and GPRCD5 to prevent relapsed multiple myeloma

There have been significant advances in how we treat relapsed multiple myeloma within the past decade, which in turn has resulted in more effective treatments and an increase in survival rates. A very promising and novel approach is the application of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells, which have already demonstrated unprecedented clinical successes in the treatment of pediatric lymphoblastic leukemia. CAR-T cell therapy for myeloma targeting BCMA has shown high response rates, however, relapses remain. It has been found that myeloma cells lacking sufficient BCMA surface expression may be associated with relapse episodes, since these cells can escape immunity. A solution to prevent immune escape could be the simultaneous targeting of a second antigen.

In this webinar, hear from experts Dr. Carlos Fernández de Larrea, Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Barcelona, and Dr. Rogier M. Reijmers, Principle Scientist at LUMICKS, to find out how targeting BCMA and GPRC5D simultaneously with T cells engineered to express CARs specific for these antigens may prevent tumor cell escape, resulting in improved survival rates and short-term tumor reduction. Also discover how bicistronic edited CAR-T cells are showing higher interaction force with target cells using the LUMICKS’ z-Movi® Cell Avidity Analyzer, suggesting that this "multi-valent" approach is responsible for the enhanced activity in vivo.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • New strategies to prevent antigen loss immune escape
  • How CAR vector design and configuration can increase in vivo efficacy
  • Why avidity could predict increased efficacy of CAR-T cell products

Who should attend:

Researchers with a strong interest in developing new immunotherapies against cancer using bispecific antibodies, CAR-T cells, NK cells, TCR T cells, allogeneic T cells, or other similar strategies.

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, and a learning outcomes summary document for continuing education purposes.

