Challenge and improve your DNA/RNA sample preparation: The advantages of the bead-beating technology

Molecular biology techniques, such as qPCR and NGS, are a must-have standard for most biological phenomena studies and their publication. Obtaining high-quality nucleic acids, in terms of purity and yield, as well as fragment size, is crucial to allow these techniques to be efficiently performed. However, starting from complex biological material implies that many challenges must be overcome to prevent the degradation of nucleic acids during their extraction and to reach the requirements to use these molecular techniques.

In this webinar, discover the different ways to homogenize samples for DNA and RNA extraction, illustrated by several different case studies.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Sample homogenization protocol key points
  • How to obtain high-quality nucleic acids
  • Advantages of 3D-bead-beating technology
  • How to protect RNA samples from denaturation

Who should attend?

  • Technicians, graduate students and postdocs interested in sample preparation

  • Molecular biology platform technicians

  • Service providers

  • Research lead scientists and principle scientists looking for molecular analysis improvement

