Challenges and advantages of using IC-MS in the pharmaceutical industry

Many troublesome toxic impurities are discovered too late in pharmaceutical products, resulting in pharmaceutical companies having to recall their therapies. In this webinar, Bethany Jackson, AstraZeneca, will discuss how ion chromatography-mass spectrometry (IC-MS) can solve some of the challenges associated with detecting impurities in the pharmaceutical industry. Jackson will demonstrate how IC is not just used for counterions but can also be an alternative technique for polar ionic species — therefore making it a good tool for small polar impurities that might not have been possible to detect by other techniques.

This webinar will explore how by adding a mass spectrometer to an ion chromatograph, it becomes possible to confirm and identify any of the unknowns in a pharmaceutical compound. Troubleshooting processes to prevent unwanted impurities in the final drug will also be covered, using nitrosamine as an example.

Key learning objectives:

  • Discover how to approach highly polar and ionic impurities in pharmaceuticals
  • Understand the benefits of IC-MS in pharmaceutical discovery and troubleshooting
  • Discover how to simplify your workflow with no derivatization with ion-exchange technology

Who should attend?

  • Chemical development analytical chemists
  • Pharmaceutical laboratory analysts
  • Research-to-discovery phase chromatographers

