Characterization of Macromolecules by SEC-Light Scattering

In this webinar, our expert speakers will provide an overview of the fundamentals of light scattering for macromolecular characterization by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), including good practice for sample preparation and experimental methods. The use of multi-angle light scattering (MALS) as a tool to determine effective SEC conditions for the macromolecule of interest will be discussed. A description of the measurable quantities SEC-MALS offers and the careful considerations that are required in fitting light scattering data to ensure accurate macromolecular molecular weight and size measurements will be provided.

Key learning objectives

  • Explore the fundamentals of light scattering and absolute molecular weight detection for macromolecules
  • Learn about sample preparation, instrumentation setup, dn/dc requirements, and good practices
  • Understand what is needed for fitting light scattering data to ensure quality data for molecular weight and size
  • Explore SEC-MALS applications

Who should attend?

  • Principal investigators
  • Laboratory technicians/technologists
  • Synthetic polymer scientists
  • Biopolymer scientists
  • Analytical scientists

View other webinars in this series here:

Part 1: Unraveling the Intricacies of Size Exclusion Chromatography – Strength and Limitations

Part 2: Detection in Gel Permeation Chromatography /Size Exclusion Chromatography

Part 4: Concepts, Challenges and Applications for 2D-LC of Polymers

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

