Complex bacterial samples and rRNA removal

Whole transcriptome analysis from microbiome samples is gaining popularity due to the ease of obtaining samples and the decreased costs of next-generation sequencing. RNA profiling presents a special challenge due to prokaryotic 5S/16S/23S rRNA contamination, and therefore, efficient rRNA removal is critical for obtaining relevant gene expression data.

For complex bacterial samples, QIAGEN has developed a new strategy for extremely fast and efficient 5S/16S/23S rRNA removal during RNA-seq library prep. We designed the QIAseq FastSelect – 5S/6S/23S Kits against SILVA 16S sequences (nearly 600,000 entries), SILVA 23S sequences (nearly 170,000 entries) and 5S rRNA Database (over 7,200 entries) and they theoretically block more than 95% of all known 5S, 16S and 23 rRNA sequences.

Join this webinar to learn more about the critical factors influencing microbiome RNA sample prep and rRNA depletion strategies using the QIAseq FastSelect – 5S/6S/23S Kits for both high-quality and severely-fragmented RNA samples from complex bacterial communities.

Key learning objectives:

  • Discover the critical factors in microbial RNA sample preparation – lysis, biases and inhibitors
  • Explore library enrichment/depletion strategies for whole transcriptome NGS, a necessity for rRNA depletion for meta-transcriptomics
  • Learn about the QIAseq FastSelect –5S/16S/23S Kits for fast and efficient bacterial rRNA removal

Who should attend?

Researchers (including Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, principal investigators, professors, assistant professors, junior professors, laboratory managers, group leaders, staff scientists) in human biomedical, environmental, or agricultural research who are interested in the microbiome, microbiomics, metatranscriptomics, microbial RNA, and microbiota gene expression analysis.

This webinar is part of the SelectScience Advances in Microbiology Webinar Series >>

