
Delivering the cells that matter: Accelerating genome engineering workflows through efficient single-cell cloning of human iPSCs

Genome engineering has revolutionized medical research through the ability to precisely edit the DNA sequence of cells. In combination with human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), editing the genome can provide unprecedented insight into disease-causing mechanisms on a patient and tissue-specific basis.

A major challenge, however, is the efficient generation of edited single-cell derived cultures.

In this webinar we will:

  • Address critical parameters for successful genome engineering with an emphasis on efficient single-cell cloning of hiPSCs
  • Highlight how CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing and subcloning workflows benefit from automation and discuss methods to ensure monoclonality
  • Provide an overview of our streamlined single-cell cloning platform, and how it addresses key bottlenecks in the establishment of clonal cultures

During this webinar you will learn:

  • Common pitfalls in traditional single-cell cloning methods
  • How to derive clonal genome-edited cultures using novel culture methods
  • The benefits of automation

Who should attend?

  • Scientists interested in genome editing, CRISPR, disease modeling and iPSCs
  • Scientists from core facilities with cell line development services
