Design, optimization, and validation of multiplex immunofluorescence panels

Multiplex immunofluorescence (mIF) combines the spatial information from immunohistochemistry (IHC) with multimarker phenotypes. Recent advances in mIF technology have made it possible for researchers to develop novel custom panels, but additional considerations must be taken into account in order to produce a panel which performs at least as well as IHC on a marker-by-marker basis, and avoids any undesirable interactions between detection of the targets and neighboring visible light spectra.

In this webinar, we will cover biological and technical considerations when designing a panel, a linear process for developing, testing, and optimizing a panel, and an approach for technical validation of multiplex panels which detects and addresses known risks.

Key learning objectives:

  • Attendees will learn about key factors to consider when designing a new mIF panel
  • We will walk through an efficient process for developing and optimizing mIF panels using TSA-linked fluorophores and iterative staining
  • Attendees will become familiar with the best use cases and advantages of most common mIF staining and imaging technologies
  • Attendees will come away from the webinar with an adaptable scheme for testing and validating a novel mIF panel

Who should attend

  • Technicians, graduate students and postdocs interested in leveraging mIF technology
  • Core resource directors providing mIF as a service inside or outside their institution
  • Research leads clinical researchers, and principle scientists looking to understand the capabilities and limitations of mIF

