Dissecting the tumor microenvironment with multiplex immunohistochemistry

Cancer is still a leading cause of premature deaths worldwide. Understanding the communication of cancer cells in regard to the surrounding tissue environment is critical to delineate new therapeutic approaches.

In this webinar, researchers from the Goethe University, Frankfurt, will show how they are using Phenoptics technology, which integrates multiplexed immunohistochemistry and imaging with advanced tissue analysis software, to interrogate the tumor microenvironment for investigator-initiated (translational) trials and preclinical studies. A special focus of this webinar will be on the analysis of tumor-associated macrophages in relation to tumor development and therapy resistance in glioblastoma multiforme, brain metastasis, and breast cancer.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how novel multiplex immunofluorescence (mIF) technologies for spatial phenotypic analysis can help to understand tumor development and resistance to immunotherapy
  • Discover the steps involved in developing and validating multiple 7-plex Opal panels to answer diverse biological questions for different cancer types
  • Understand the value of combining proteomics with mRNA and microRNA detection

Who should attend?

  • Medical oncologists
  • Pathologists
  • Immuno-oncology researchers

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

