Efficient strategies for data organization in the microbiology lab

Do you have a lab data maturity problem? It is not enough to have a stewardship and surveillance program if your lab is losing hours every week in gathering and preparing data under outdated technology and processes.

When data and reporting demands put things ‘out-of-balance’ in the lab, it’s time to re-evaluate personnel, process, and technology. Fortunately, there are new ways to optimize your lab.

In this webinar, Matthew Mikell and Anne Beall from bioMérieux will discuss how to create a better working environment, how to bring IT to the forefront, and how to make your lab more efficient.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how to ‘speak IT’ and elevate your data and lab priorities
  • Understand the ‘best of breed’ technologies so you get more value and data from the laboratory information system
  • Learn where the common pitfalls in the microbiology lab are
  • Understand how data can help you solve problems and monitor success

Who should attend?

  • Lab professionals: Directors, Supervisors, Managers, Technicians, Analysts, and Specialists.

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Matthew Mikell
Matthew Mikell
Anne Beall
Anne Beall
Cameron Smith-Craig
Cameron Smith-Craig
Associate Editor, SelectScience

