Elevate your Lab as a Partner in Antibiotic Stewardship
Earn continuing professional development credits by attending this accredited webinar, where you'll learn how procalcitonin (PCT) testing can reduce costs and enhance outcomes in critical patient care and sepsis management.
Despite the many benefits of antibiotics, overexposure to these "wonder drugs" has created a public health crisis: antibiotic resistance. In the primary care setting, current prescribing practices can lead to increased antimicrobial exposure by making antibiotics available to patients who don't need them. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics also contributes to the problem by allowing antibiotic-resistant microbes to multiply and become dominant.
Join us for a cross-departmental panel discussion between pharmacy, lab, and critical patient care that delves into the crucial role of the clinical lab in antibiotic stewardship in your healthcare institution. In this session we will explore the transformative benefits of PCT testing and its ability to empower labs and healthcare professionals to optimize antibiotic usage. Choose to stand out by moving to the forefront of change.
Key learning objectives
- Understand why PCT testing is a game-changer in antibiotic management
- Understand that PCT testing has better specificity and sensitivity than other common tests for sepsis, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment decisions
- Learn practical strategies to incorporate PCT testing into your lab's workflow
- Discuss real-world case studies showcasing the impact of PCT testing on patient outcomes and antibiotic stewardship initiatives
Who should attend?
- Lab directors located in hospitals with ICU and/or ED departments
- Laboratory medical directors
- Pathologists
- Members of hospital sepsis committees (ED nurses, hospital pharmacist)
- Hospital administration, C-suite, or others concerned with cost of patient care
Accreditation statement
SelectScience is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program.

•Director of Critical Care Services at Swedish Covenant Hospital and a Professor of Medicine at Finch University of Health Sciences at The Chicago Medical School •Board certified in Internal Medicine and specializes in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine •Named a Fellow of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and American College of Chest Physicians for his significant contributions to the advancement of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine •Co-authored the 2013 pilot publication setting the foundation for the multi-center MOSES trial which resulted in the expansion of the Procalcitonin FDA claim in 2016 • Shares his expertise amongst his peers in the critical care community and has been invited to provide hundreds of academic lectures both nationally and internationally on many topics •Early adopter of Procalcitonin both in the US and at his own Institution. Procalcitonin is now incorporated in the training curriculum of new physicians and as part of the daily medical management decisions of patients with suspected or confirmed Sepsis.

Dr. James Aguanno received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Memphis State University. Following his Ph.D., he did two post-doctoral fellowships one at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in Biochemistry and a second fellowship in Laboratory Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Aguanno was the Director of the Core Laboratory at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas for 24 years. He joined Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics in January of 2004 and is currently Senior Clinical Consultant in the Medical and Scientific Affairs Group.

Pharmacy and Doctorate degrees from the University of Missouri Kansas City and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. More than 30 years’ experience as an Infectious Disease trained Hospital Pharmacy Director and Laboratory Director with an emphasis on antimicrobial stewardship Second adopter of procalcitonin for management of antibiotic therapy in sepsis, LRTI and other infections in the United States. Dr. Broyles participated in the FDA approval process the for approved use of PCT in sepsis and lower respiratory tract infections. He recently served on the Global Expert Consensus Panel for the use of procalcitonin guidance to optimize it’s use in bacterial infections. Viewing more than 70,000 determinations in patient care and has performed advanced analysis on the performance of PCT in a broad range of patient comorbidities and diagnosis. Chairman of pharmacy initiatives for one of the nation’s largest hospital networks for two decades. Medscape Faculty for Infectious Diseases and Biomarkers. Engaged in pharmacy initiatives and antimicrobial stewardship consulting for 28 of 40 of the nation’s top integrated networks and consulting for hospitals from 50 to 1200 beds in size. Consulting or advisory board functions for Thermo Fisher Scientific, Roche Diagnostics, bioMerieux, Fujirebio, Abbott Diagnostics, CareFusion, Alaris Medical, TheraDoc, and ICNet.