Emerging trends and future directions in food testing

With the food industry subject to increasing scrutiny, comprehensive testing solutions are required to determine the authenticity and contaminant-free status of food products and to ensure their compliance with safety regulations.

In this SelectScience® roundtable webinar series, we bring together leading experts in the fields of pesticides analysis, mycotoxin testing and food contact materials characterization to discuss the latest trends in these areas and laboratory innovations set to transform the future of food safety testing. This series consists of three panel discussions, starting on Wednesday, March 23rd.

Webinar 1: Modernizing pesticides testing

Wednesday, March 23, at 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET / 12:00 EDT / 09:00 PDT

Webinar 2: Measuring migration from food contact materials

Thursday, April 7, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT

Webinar 3: Identifying and controlling mycotoxins in livestock and food products

Tuesday, April 12 at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT

