Ensuring accuracy: An expert guide to selecting fit-for-purpose reference materials

Reference materials are a critical component of a laboratory’s quality system. From calibration of measurement systems to validation of methods, reference materials ensure accuracy in testing. Different terminologies for reference materials can lead to confusion in determining the best fit-for-purpose reference, potentially impacting the accuracy of the testing method.

In this presentation, important concepts such as metrological traceability, certificates of analysis, and stability will be discussed along with the different quality grades of reference materials. How selection of the proper quality grade can ensure optimal fit-for-purpose and testing accuracy will also be explored.

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand important terms and concepts such as metrological traceability, certificates of analysis, stability, and reference material certification techniques
  • Recognize the different quality grades and formats of reference materials and their intended uses to establish proper selection criteria for use in testing applications
  • Appreciate the impact of measurement errors due to improper selection of the reference material quality grade or poor fit-for-purpose

Who should attend:

QA / QC managers and directors, lab managers and directors, group leaders, researchers, QA / QC chemists, those working in procurement

