Evaluating therapeutic antibodies: Quantification of ADCP using advanced flow cytometry

Antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) is one of the key mechanisms of action for monoclonal antibodies that enables the immune system to clear cancerous cells from the body. The antibody engages cancer and phagocytic cells to promote specific engulfment of the tumour cells. Robust, quantitative in vitro assays measuring ADCP induction by monoclonal antibodies are essential for development and characterization of novel therapeutics.

In this webinar, Kirsty McBain, Associate Scientist at Sartorius, will discuss:

  • How the iQue® Human Antibody-Dependent Cellular Phagocytosis Kit is used with the iQue® advanced flow cytometer to quantify ADCP
  • The use of the iQue® and integrated Forecyt software to rank monoclonal antibodies based on their effects on ADCP
  • Case studies which measure differences in ADCP induction between different antibody isotypes and cell types

Who should attend?

  • Scientists and researchers in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, biopharma, and academia.

