Evaluation of the new Agilent NovoCyte Opteon spectral flow cytometer

The Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) Core Facility at the Aarhus University has received international recognition for its expert support for cell sorting and flow cytometry analysis.Dr. Charlotte Petersen, Head of FACS Core Facility, manages a wide variety of users and innovative instrumentation. Recently, Dr. Petersen had the opportunity to expand the core's offering and evaluate the new Agilent NovoCyte Opteon spectral flow cytometer at her facility. In this expert webinar, she will share her experience on the instrumentation, data acquisition, and data analysis.

Key learning objectives

  • Introduction to spectral flow cytometry
  • Overview of the NovoCyte Opteon spectral flow cytometer
  • Evaluation of the NovoCyte Opteon performance in a flow core facility

Who should attend?

  • Anybody using flow cytometry and interested in new flow cytometry technologies as well as anybody advanced in flow cytometry techniques

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Charlotte Petersen, PhD
Charlotte Petersen, PhD
Head of FACS Core Facility, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University

Dr. Charlotte Petersen is the manager of the FACS Core Facility at Aarhus University for the past 14 years. She teaches master and PhD students in flow cytometry and teaches users to run analyzers and sorters on their own. She assists all her users in setting up flow cytometric experiments and data analysis.

Garret Guenther, PhD
Garret Guenther, PhD
Product Manager, Agilent Technologies

Garret Guenther received his PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of California, Irvine where he routinely used flow cytometry to evaluate the response of cancer cells to starvation by blocking the expression of nutrient transporter proteins. After his graduate work, he went on to work with two biotech companies in the field of antibody discovery to develop therapeutics targeting GPCRs and other proteins. Dr. Guenther is currently the Product Manager for flow cytometry at Agilent Technologies.


Matilde Marques
Matilde Marques
Life Sciences Assistant Editor, SelectScience

