
Experimental methodology in a core facility: Light scattering for preliminary experiments and final answers

As a core analytical facility, we are approached by users seeking our services with a large variety of samples. They usually have specific experiments/equipment in mind, frequently desiring to use the most intensive experimental techniques (in terms of sample, time, and money), when a simpler technique could give them the answers they require at a fraction of the cost. Often our recommended techniques include preliminary analysis with dynamic light scattering (DLS), followed by multi-angle light scattering (MALS), instead of analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) or other high-maintenance biophysical techniques.

In this webinar expert speakers will explain, with a few examples, the methodology we have developed to save users time, sample, and money by prioritizing certain techniques for preliminary experiments. Many times the results from these ‘preliminary’ experiments are sufficient to provide the answers to the questions our researchers are asking.

Key learning objectives

  • The fundamentals of light scattering theory, instrumentation and applications
  • How light scattering instruments are used for fast, preliminary experiments before more intensive studies are attempted
  • How often preliminary experiments provide all the answers needed for the scientific question
  • Advantages (and some disadvantages) of Wyatt’s DLS and MALS instruments in relation to other techniques such as AUC.

Who should attend?

  • Customers of biophysical core facilities or CROs who are considering light scattering in relation to other techniques
  • Lab managers responsible for biophysical characterization who would like to optimize facility workflows, productivity, and use

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Peter Randolph
Peter Randolph
Director of Physical Biochemistry Facility, <p>Florida State University</p>
Landry Bennett
Landry Bennett
Application Scientist, <p>Wyatt Technology</p>
Ellen Simms
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor, SelectScience

