GC-MS solutions for sensory analysis in non-alcoholic beers

Non-alcoholic (NA) and low-alcoholic beers (LABs) are growing in demand worldwide. However, dealcoholization or arrested fermentation leads to changes in the overall aroma and flavor profiles compared to full strength (FS) beer analogues.

This webinar Dr. Tiffany Crawford, Kalsec Inc., Megan Harper, GERSTEL, Inc., and Matt Curtis, Agilent will discuss a semi-targeted method developed using DHS-GC-MS technology that allows for the improvement of NA beer flavor through the addition of specialized hops products. They will also examine the use of GC-MS-O technology to determine the source of off odors in a plant extract matrix. A brief overview of the GERSTEL dynamic headspace (DHS), Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU), and olfactory detection port (ODP) systems will be highlighted in order to understand their contributions to this work. The Agilent 7250 GC/QToF functionality will also be reviewed, along with the software tools e.g. SureMass feature-finding and MassProfiler Professional.

Key learning objectives

  • Understand the analytical challenges in the determination of off flavors and odors in complex matrices
  • Discover how a combination of GERSTEL and Agilent instrumentation and software can improve analysis for food and beverage applications
  • Explore how analytical techniques can be used to identify and solve sensory issues in food products

Who should attend?

  • Chemists and lab managers from contract testing labs and the food and beverage industry

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

