Global LC-MS/MS Clinical Laboratories Virtual Event 2021

Connect with clinical experts from around the globe and discuss the added value of LC-MS/MS technology, a very powerful analytical tool, offering high accuracy, precision, sensitivity and specificity.

Through this 2 day event, we will see WHY LC-MS/MS is recognized as the gold standard technology for many applications and HOW easy it can be to implement fully automated LC-MS/MS in a routine clinical laboratory workflow thanks to the first fully automated and regulatory compliant clinical analyzer, the Thermo Scientific™ Cascadion™ SM Clinical Analyzer.

Webinar 1: 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET / 11:00 EST / 08:00 PS

Reach new heights with LC-MS/MS technology: Making it accessible for every clinical laboratory

Part 1: LC-MS/MS adoption in every clinical lab

Prof. Kara LYNCH, Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine at the University of California and Co-Director of the Core Laboratory at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, USA

Part 2: User experience with the evaluation of Cascadion Analyzer and the Vitamin D Assay – the Implementation, the operation, the results

Dr. Victoria ZHANG, Associate Professor at the University of Rochester Medical Centre (URMC), Rochester, USA

Webinar 2: 17:00 GMT / 18:00 CET / 12:00 EST / 09:00 PS

Reach new heights with Vitamin D assays: “Back to the future” with LC-MS/MS

Part 1: LC-MS/MS in the clinical lab – Trends and perspectives

Dr. ADELI Khosrow, Division Head of Clinical Biochemistry, Sickkids Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Part 2: A historical perspective on 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D testing in the lab – user experience of implementation and evaluation of the Cascadion SM Clinical Analyzer

Dr. HETU Pierre-Olivier, Clinical biochemist, CHUM, Montréal, Canada

Webinar 3: 19:30 GMT / 20:30 CET / 2:30 PM EST / 11:30 PS

Reach new heights with a comprehensive LC-MS Workflow in your clinical lab

Part 1: LC-MS and healthcare: Powerful tools to address complex questions

Prof. Bill CLARKE, Clinical Chemist, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA

Part 2: LC-MS/MS in the Clinical Laboratory

Prof. Katharina RENTSCH, Specialist in clinical chemistry and immunology, UH Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Who should attend?

  • Clinical laboratory (private and public) professionals (from the technician to the CEO).

Why attend?

  • Connect with your peers to discuss the latest developments around LC-MS/MS technology and its benefits
  • Discover how to reach new heights in your lab by implementing LC-MS/MS into your routine
  • Learn how to organize LC-MS/MS in your lab through several applications
  • Through first-hand user experience and demonstrations, explore the different LC-MS/MS solutions provided by Thermo Fisher Scientific

By attending this event, you will have the opportunity to hear from keynote speakers and experts across the globe, and engage with them via Q&A and networking. You’ll also have an opportunity to listen to lab users, scientists, R&D team, watch virtual demonstrations, and access relevant applications and product resources.

