Harnessing 19F as an agent in bio-NMR of large systems

The 19F-13C TROSY principle opens exciting opportunities to probe structure, dynamics and interactions in large biomolecular systems, in which the 19F-labels can be incorporated into either a protein or a nucleic acid residue. The fluorine atom is an extremely sensitive probe towards its chemical environment thanks to high CSA (chemical shift anisotropy); at the same time CSA also badly broadens the NMR-signals of 19F-labels in biomacromolecules. The so-called TROSY effect can be used to combat CSA and narrow the linewidth of the 19F-signals allowing their detection by solution-state high-resolution NMR spectroscopy.

In this SelectScience webinar, Prof. Haribabu Arthanari will discuss state-of-art NMR investigations of large biomolecules with selective 19F-labels and the use of high-sensitivity cryogenic NMR probes at high magnetic fields.

Key topics:

  • Opportunities and challenges presented by large biological systems
  • How atomic properties manifest in NMR spectra, using fluorine as an example
  • How to use selective 19F, 13C and 2H-labeling to map structural features
  • What is meant by CSA and the TROSY effect?
  • New experimental 19F-NMR approaches to unveil biomolecular function

Who should attend?

  • Students and postdocs who wish to learn about emerging techniques in NMR
  • Representatives of biomolecular discovery labs in academia and pharmaceutical industry

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.

