
Hear from the experts developing immune cell therapies

Welcome to our gene-modified cell therapy webinar series, produced in partnership with Sartorius.

In this curated series, three experts in the field of drug discovery and development share how they enable the development of immune cell therapies through cell characterization, including phenotyping and functional analysis.

Register for free to hear expert insight into:

  • Best practices for the assessment of cell proliferation, cell confluence, transfection efficiency, as well as the investigation of cytokine release, proliferation, and cytolytic activity of immune cells.
  • The mechanism of action of CAR-T cells and the clinical development of an immune cell therapy, from bench to bedside, including the vein-to-vein complexities and healthcare challenges of bringing about a paradigm shift in such therapies.
  • Effective introduction of base editing and other safe gene engineering technologies into cell therapy pipeline.

Webinar 1: Gaining critical insights for drug discovery applications using high-content cell analysis platforms

Dr. David Baker, Senior Research Scientist at AstraZeneca

Friday, September 17
11:00 EDT / 17:00 CEST / 16:00 BST / 08:00 PDT

Webinar 2: From boutique to global: Chimeric antigen receptor T cells as a model for clinical development and commercialization

Prof. Bruce Levine, Founding Director of CVPF

Wednesday, September 22
11:00 EDT / 17:00 CEST / 16:00 BST / 08:00 PDT

Webinar 3: Base editing: Impact on cell therapy and how to access it

Dr. John Lambourne, R&D Manager at Horizon Discovery

Thursday, September 30
11:00 EDT / 17:00 CEST / 16:00 BST / 08:00 PDT


Charlie Carter
Charlie Carter
Life Sciences Editor, SelectScience
David Baker
David Baker
Research Scientist / Senior / PI, Senior Research Scientist, AstraZeneca
John Lambourne
John Lambourne
Research Scientist / Senior / PI, R&D Manager Horizon Discovery
Bruce Levine
Bruce Levine
Barbara and Edward Netter Professor in Cancer Gene Therapy University of Pennsylvania, USA | Founding Director of CVPF
