How to choose the best analysis technique for your application

From monitoring heavy metals in environmental and food samples to determining the precious metal content of ore samples and measuring trace elements in high-purity chemicals, elemental analysis techniques are used in a wide range of applications, but often have very different technical requirements. The value of knowing you’ve got the right technique and the right instrument to meet your analytical needs both now and in the future is enormously comforting for a lab manager. The right instrument means you can easily analyze your samples and be confident in the results. The wrong one means you could spend a lot of time rerunning samples, outsourcing work, or struggling to get the sample throughput and detection limits you need. This series of free online forums will feature a panel of industry insiders and instrument experts who will discuss common application scenarios and the pros and cons of the different atomic spectroscopy techniques for each application.

Atomic spectroscopy techniques all do a similar job, but different types of instruments have very different capabilities, so identifying which technique is best for your lab’s needs can be confusing. In this forum, a panel of industry insiders will discuss several common applications and laboratory scenarios and explain the pros and cons of each atomic spectroscopy technique for each situation.

These expert speakers will cover the key things you need to consider when choosing between elemental analysis techniques, including: the number and type of samples you’ll need to analyze, how quickly you need to get results, the elements you need to measure, and the concentrations they are likely to be at. Capital cost and running costs of the various techniques will also be discussed, as well as the skill level required to operate different types of instruments. By explaining the most important differences between techniques, the forum will help ensure you make an informed choice.

Key learning objectives:

  • Understand the practical differences between the various types of atomic spectroscopy techniques - AAS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, ICP-QQQ.
  • Learn which factors are most important when choosing between techniques.
  • Find out which techniques are best for different applications and lab scenarios.

Who should attend:

Lab managers (in metals, inorganics, environmental, geochemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries) analysts, business managers, contract labs, and commercial labs.

