How to Optimize Stable Cell Line Manufacturing

The development of an appropriate stable cell line is a prerequisite for the effective production of material for preclinical and clinical research. A high-quality cell line is expected to be clonal, produce a molecule of the desired quality in large quantity, grow well in a chemically defined animal-free medium, exhibit long-term stable expression, and perform well in a large-scale bioreactor.

Dr. Renata Pankiewicz, Cell Line and Development Lead for Antibody Manufacturing at FairJourney Biologics, will discuss how the optimized cell line development (CLD) workflow enables the delivery of a cell line with the desired characteristics in a short timeline.

Key learning objectives

  • Learn how Cyto-Mine® from Sphere Fluidics streamlines the CLD workflow
  • Explore the CLD process at FairJourney Biologics
  • Understand the opportunity of early CLD initiation

Who should attend?

  • Project managers, chemistry, manufacturing and controls managers, R&D scientists, drug discovery scientists and managers, and business development managers.

Certificate of attendance
All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Renata Pankiewicz PhD, MSc
Renata Pankiewicz PhD, MSc
FairJourney Biologics
Will Thompson
Will Thompson
Editorial Assistant, SelectScience

